The Unborn Patient: Prenatal Diagnosis and Management of the Fetus with Gastroschisis or Omphalocele


Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P.
Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Surgery, and Pediatrics
Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation Chair in Pediatric Surgical Education
and Patient
and Family-centered Pediatric Surgical Care
McGill University Faculty of Medicine
Director, Harvey E. Beardmore Division of Pediatric Surgery
The Montreal Children's Hospital
McGill University Health Centre
Montreal, Canada

Webinar Objectives

In many medium-income and most high-income countries, prenatal diagnosis of abdominal wall defects has become standard. The objectives of this webinar are:

  1. To review prenatal findings in gastroschisis and potential predictors of prognosis.
  2. To review prenatal findings in omphalocele and potential predictors of prognosis.
  3. To review indications for fetal intervention, early delivery, or C-section delivery in abdominal wall defects.


Introductions and Overview

Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P.
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada

Prenatal Diagnosis and Evaluation of Gastroschisis

Judith H. Chung, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA

Dr. Chung discusses the potential prenatal sonographic predictors of complex gastroschisis, such as location, extent, onset, and trajectory of bowel dilation, gastric dilation, and bowel wall thickness.

Prenatal Diagnosis and Evaluation of Omphalocele

Richard Brown, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.O.G., F.A.C.O.G.
Division of Obstetrics, Maternal Fetal Medicine, and Ultrasound, McGill University Health Center, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Dr. Brown discusses the pathophysiology of omphalocele and the important issues pertaining to prenatal diagnosis, including the importance of distinction from gastroschisis, screening for associated syndromes and anomalies, potential predictors of outcome, prenatal follow-up, and issues related to delivery.

Decision Making and Fetal Interventions for Abdominal Wall Defects: Present and Future

Darrell L. Cass, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P.
Fetal Care Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

Dr. Cass discussed experimental evidence regarding potential benefits and results associated with fetal surgical repair of gastroschisis. He also reviewed evidence regarding the timing of delivery for gastroschisis and the mode of delivery for gastroschisis and omphalocele.

Patient Case Discussions

Gastroschisis: Ultrasound Findings Spurring Early Delivery & Neonatal Surgery

Judith H. Chung, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA

Omphalocele: 37-Year-Old G1P0 Woman Conceived after IVF

Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P.
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada

Fetal-ruptured Giant Omphalocele

Darrell L. Cass, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P.
Fetal Care Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH




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