9-mo-old male presents for evaluation. He was diagnosed with anorectal malformation without fistula and underwent a colostomy at birth.
Family sent a photo of the colostomy and of the perineum.Purulent secretions were visible and draining from the perineum. The family cleansed the perineum and then took a photo of the anatomy to send to the physician.
8-mo-old male presents for evaluation. He was born with anorectal malformation s/p colostomy at birth. Baby presented with fever for 6 d, abdominal distension, bilious emesis, and no colostomy output for 3 d.
Ten-year-old male presents to the ED with severe left sided abdominal pain and discharge from the anus.
He is febrile and tachycardic. He is admitted and ultimately diagnosed with Shigella colitis with overflow diarrhea into the efferent limb of his loop transverse colostomy. Also, he was a Syrian refugee who immigrated to Canada. No prior medical records available.