Male Patient
Newborn Male Patient with Recto-perineal Fistula
Case Summary
- Newborn male presents with recto-perineal fistula.
- This is a tiny recto-perineal fistula, which would not be able to be dilated.
- Cross table lateral film shows a short distance to the anal impression.
- Radiograph at the outside hospital showed significant colonic dilation.
16-Year-Old Male Patient with Anorectal Trauma After Bicycle Accident
Case Summary
- 16-yr-old patient presents to the emergency department 5 d after a bike accident where he suffered an anorectal trauma.
- On physical exam, he had skin and the anoderm on the right side with damage of the anal canal with skin and fat tissue necrosis.
Long Colon "Spur" After Duhamel Procedure
Case Summary
- 10-yr-old female patient presents for evaluation.
- Her history included that he presented with a right colon perforation at 7 wk of age.
- She underwent partial colon resection and ileostomy.
- Incorrectly diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease.
16-Year-Old Male Patient with Fecal Impaction
Case Summary
- 16-yr-old presents for evaluation because of fecal impaction.
- History of constipation from 6 mo of age.
- He has been to the Emergency Department multiple times for disimpaction.
- He did not have appropriate follow up.
Male Patient Born with Abdominal Distention, Requiring Reoperation
Case Summary
- 3-yr-old presents for evaluation. He was born and was noted to have abdominal distention, inability to pass stool in first 48 h of life and feeding intolerance.
- On day of life 12, he underwent a transanal pull-through at an outside hospital. He had not had a rectal biopsy prior to that procedure.
Two Male Patient Case Reports
Case Summary
Case Overview, Part 1
4-Year-Old Male Patient with 3-month History of Intermittent Abdominal Pain
Case Summary
- 4-yr-old male presents to the emergency department with a history of 3 mo of intermittent abdominal pain.
- He also has a history of pinworms.
- After a bowel movement, he reported he had severe anal pain with a visible protrusion from the anus.
18-Month-Old Male Patient Born with Omphalocele, Anorectal Malformation, Ileal Atresia, and Cecum Duplication Referred for Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome
Case Summary
- 18-mo-old male patient presented for evaluation. He was born at 37 wk with an omphalocele, anorectal malformation, ileal atresia, and cecum duplication.
Male Patient Born with Several Congenital Anomalies
Case Summary
- Male patient born with several congenital anomalies, including pathologic deletion of 7q36, chordee with left hydrourethronephrosis, low lying conus (L5), cleft palate and low set ears.
- Genetic malformation was identified first and then he was screened for other anomalies.
- Sacral defect was also identified.