3-yr-old presents for evaluation. He was born and was noted to have abdominal distention, inability to pass stool in first 48 h of life and feeding intolerance.
On day of life 12, he underwent a transanal pull-through at an outside hospital. He had not had a rectal biopsy prior to that procedure.
18-mo-old male patient presented for evaluation. He was born at 37 wk with an omphalocele, anorectal malformation, ileal atresia, and cecum duplication.
Male patient born with several congenital anomalies, including pathologic deletion of 7q36, chordee with left hydrourethronephrosis, low lying conus (L5), cleft palate and low set ears.
Genetic malformation was identified first and then he was screened for other anomalies.
9-mo-old male presents for evaluation. He was diagnosed with anorectal malformation without fistula and underwent a colostomy at birth.
Family sent a photo of the colostomy and of the perineum.Purulent secretions were visible and draining from the perineum. The family cleansed the perineum and then took a photo of the anatomy to send to the physician.