11-Month-Old Female Patient with Scabies and Imperforate Anus with Fistula Discovered During Hospitalization

Hospital Max Peralta Cartago, Cartago, Costa Rica

Case Summary

  • Patient presents for evaluation. She is an 11-mo-old female patient from Panama. She had an out of hospital delivery. She has no surgical history. Mother is currently pregnant again. Patient is exclusively breast fed.
  • She had loose stool daily and her weight is 6.1 kg.
  • Medical team is in Costa Rica so there is a language barrier and barrier due to the location.
  • Baby was admitted to the hospital with bronchiolitis.
  • During hospitalization, she was identified to have scabies and anorectal malformation.
  • On exam, the patient had a perineal fistula located near the vagina. The fistula is located anterior to the sphincter. She had a well-formed gluteal crease. The fistula calibrated with a size 8 Hegar.
  • Abdominal ultrasound was normal.
  • Baby did not have a congenital cardiac condition. An abdominal radiograph suggested that the sacrum may not be normal.
  • Surgical options include operating in Costa Rica after the respiratory symptoms subsided. This option would be challenging because of separation from family and future of bowel management.
  • Another option would be to transfer to Panama but there may be problems with the border coordination.
  • The third option would be dilations with a Hegar 14.


  • This perineal fistula will likely require surgical intervention due to the proximity to the vagina and very short perineal body. For these reasons, dilations would not be an ideal treatment.

Patient Case Discussion

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